Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 35 of VLCD Done!

Starting weight: 182
Yesterday: 162.1
Today: 161.4
.7 lb. Released Overnight
20.6 lb. Released Since Start of VLCD 1/14/2008
.6 Avg Daily release

Ok... I had a good loss today, but I'm still kicking myself for yesterday. Here's what I ate.
B: yerba mate tea & 1/2 an apple
L: can of tuna with relish sweetened with splenda, mustard & mrs dash rolled in 6 lettuce leaves. 1/2 an apple. 2 melba rounds
Mid afternoon: Dunkin donuts glazed doughnut
D: 6 large shrimp with cocktail sauce, 2 cups of yerba mate tea

I like the fact that I had a loss today, but yesterday I felt my self sabotaging mindset setting in. In the past, whenever I've gotten close to my goal I've started cheating heavily with a thought of "I deserve it after all this hard work" running through my head. I need to change the tape that's playing in my brain because it's happening again. Why in the world did I chose to eat tuna yesterday? That's not on the protocol. The doughnut was a combination of a strong sugar craving yesterday and my silly entitlement issues. I felt really guilty as soon as I ate it. I hate that feeling, and I almost wish I hadn't lost weight this morning because now I can think "I didn't gain weight last time I had a doughnut". I hope I can keep it together during P3.

Ok... maybe I'm being a little too melodramatic. Next time I want any of the temptations at work, I'm just going to jump online and find SOMEONE to chat with. I hope somebody's out there then.

In response to yesterday's comments:

Ed & Jenn - That hot chocolate really hit the spot and it didn't seem to hurt my weight loss one bit. I may have it again as a small indulgence.

Mary - Well... the tuna didn't seem to hurt me. I don't think it hurt you either. You'll break your stall. Just keep swimming girl.

Crystal - oooh... I don't have any videos for that. I should add some to my collection. I remember seeing something about the S factor videos on Oprah, but I don't remember the Carmel Electra video. I'll check that out.
I LOVE "Buttons"! I had it as a ring tone for a long time. Another good stripping song is "Ass Like That" by Eminem. Don't ask me how I know :-D


maryg911 said...

We need to abandon ship since it looks like we are both in the same sabatoging boat, haa!!

I was happy to eat the tuna cause I needed a change and I was out of tilapia so I think its just my "other" deviations.

Glad to see you had a loss!!

Ed & Jennifer said...

Eww, Monica...who in the "H" eats a donut and still loses? YOU! Gotta love it!

You know what could be a major part in your self sabatoge? That you know this round is almost over! It seems like at the end of each roudn, once I realize my P2 is about to be over I start feeling the same way you do! Girl, just get through it-it's almost over!

Renee said...

Jenn is totally right. Whenever I'm close to the end of a round, my mind starts going CRAZY with foods and cravings that I want to indulge with. I find those last few days the hardest of the entire P2. And then when I'm on P3, all I want is to be back on P2. Yeah, I'm never happy. ;)

Congrats on still losing, however. That's awesome. How many more days do you have on this round?

smacmo said...

Monicaaaa!!! i agree with Jenn, who gets to eat a donut and STILL LOSE???? stop kicking yourself! You have lost 20 + lbs in a month an da half!!!!! That is awesome!

trysomethingnew12 said...

Hey thanks for your comment. I'm glad to be able to read about everyone's journey on their bloggs! You have really come far!! I hope I can last that many days! By the way I inject 0.1 ml of HCG everyday. Have a good weekend!

Becca said...

Hi Monica, I just got caught up reading your past few days! You've been doing great in spite of your deviations and I have faith that you'll be able to find the strength and disclipline to get back to your protocol mind-set and leave those self sabatoging actions behind. You have such a short time left in this round and you could make a lot of progress in these remaining days. But with that said, I also don't want to see you beat yourself up over it either. You've come a long way in such a short time and you've been a great example of how well this protocol can work if someone has taken the time to do their homework and follow it to a T. You really know how to make it look easy! Keep on keeping on...
Oh, and now I'm getting very curious about the stripping classes! sounds like fun...

BizBuzz said...

Stripping classes, OMG, I am gone for a few days and everyone is going crazy??? Geesh, if you all are gonna go crazy, at least invite me for the ride!

Monica, all I can say girl is learn from the experience. It's so good you know exactly what happened and why. It's those that continue with courses without learning the lesses that are doomed to failure. You are destined for greatness (and a skinny body!) so you will survive these minor setbacks and WIN!

Take care, and MISSING YOU!