Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Workin out on my Wii Fit

Monica - R4P2 Day 12
R4 Starting weight: 170.6
Yesterday: 161.7
Today: 161.3 -.4
R4 Total -9.5 5.6%

Nakia - R3P2 Day 18
R3 Starting weight: 247.3
Yesterday: 227
Today: 227.5 +.5
R3 Total 19.8 8%

Yesterday's menu (Monica):
B: TJs Chunky applesauce
L: chicken & broccoli, 1 grissini
D: lemon pepper orange roughy & steamed garlic spinach
frozen mocha: 1 C coffee, 1 T half & half, 1 T cocoa powder, splena, & ice
Lots of tea, water, & 4C Totally Lite 2 Go

Yesterday's menu (Nakia)
B: TJs chunky applesauce
S: chicken w/ mustard
L: romaine lettuce salad with sugar free raspberry dressing (use at your own risk)
D: chili
water, & 4C Totally Lite 2 Go

Hmmm.... another .5 gain for nakia. I hope he has a loss tomorrow. I think he will.

I'm just coasting right now. I did 45 minutes on my Wii Fit this morning & broke some of my records in yoga & aerobics. WOO HOO! I just didn't feel like getting stuff together to go to the gym. The Wii gives me a nice light workout... although that hula hoop thing doesn't seem very light.

I took some measurements too:

Day 1Day 12CHANGE
UNDER BUST3534-1.00

I'm really liking the change in my waist.On to another day of VLCD!

Amie - I read the same thing myself! But you know what... it really IS great to have someone with you that's supportive and totally on board. I'm so glad you have that now too Amie. oooh... and it looks like we will all meet in Vegas in July! I can't wait! Nakia took me to vegas for my birthday in february. This'll be the first time we've ever gone twice in one year & it'll be tough for us to go right after our DR trip, but we just have to be there. I can't miss this!

Biz - Hey sunshine! Isn't that amazin! Remember he had such a hard time last round. I nearly jumped out of my chair when he decided to start all of a sudden. I think he had a moment.... you know that moment. LOL. I'm proud of him too. It's so nice to be back in the swing of things though. Thanks for checkin on us :)

Angel - HI! Thanks for stopping by. We really are a great team & I'm so happy for his weight loss. He does work hard for it. I know how hard this is for him so I just try to be as supportive as I can.


Amie said...

Oh yeaaaah, Wii Fit! I did it on a friend's Wii a few times and it kicked my butt. LOL Sad, I know.

Is it Nakia's TOM? {heehee} Who knows... could be the alcohol the other day, could be a lot of things. He's a man, so of course he'll bounce right out of it! Probably losing inches, too.

Girl, if you have a suitcase AND a bikini in my size... I am THERE!

BizBuzz said...

WAHHHHH! I wanna WII FIT! Oh woe is me! HA! Tell Kia he knows the drill, it will come off, sooner or later, but what the heck is he doing eating SF DRESSING??? HA!!!

Angel Locs said...

We have a WII but I have not invested in the WII Fit I think I would really enjoy it.
To the two of you keep your heads up. I am learning so much from all of you...