Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Friday, March 20, 2009

Monica's R4P2 Day 17 - Nakia's first P3 day

Monica - R4P2 Day 17
R4 Starting weight: 170.6
Yesterday: 159.6
Today: 159.2 -.4
R4 Total -11.4 6.7%

Nakia - R3P2 last VLCD
R3 Starting weight: 247.3
LIW 3/17/2009: 225.9
Yesterday: 224.0
Today: 222.0 -2.0
3.9 Below LIW

Yesterday's menu (Monica):
L: catfish creole & 1 grissini
S: TJs chunky applesauce
D: mustard chicken & cabbage
S: strawberry sorbet
Lots of tea & water

Yesterday's menu (Nakia)
B: TJs chunky applesauce
L: chicken & cabbage
D: 7% fat ground beef chili
water & 4C Totally Lite 2 Go

Nakia is starting his P3 out with a great head start! He's almost 4 lbs below his LIW already! I want what he's having... oh... I'm on what he's having... LOL. He's probably going to lose a little more too because he has decided to continue eating the same food I'm cooking for myself, but in larger quantities and mixing veggies. That worried me on his last round because Dr S warns about going more than 2 lbs under LIW, but what the hell... I feel weird about making him eat when he's not hungry.

I looked over our detailed stats for our previous rounds and this is our best round so far. We've both lost more in the same amount of days than we ever have. I know it's due to going back to basics. I don't need to experiment as much. I know what I like and what works for me & I just stick to that. I have absolutely no cravings & I don't feel deprived this time. On my last round I said it was the most stress free, but I have to say that this round is even easier. I have NEVER gone this long without eating something off plan & I think it's showing in my average losses. I haven't even needed to prepare any P2 desserts to appease some craving for chocolate... I just haven't had any... even during TOM! That's amazing to me. My goal for this round is 151, but I may be able to surpass that in 23 more days (Apr 11th).

I just joined a new gym and they offer a 6 week group training session that starts on April 28th. I'll be 15 days into P3 by then. It involves long distance running, which is something I used to do in highschool many moons ago. I know from experience that running is the best way to burn calories (besides hcg of course), & I want to get into the routine of doing it regularly. I think starting out with a group will give me the catalyst I need to get started.

Amie - oooh a bikini! Do we get to see pictures? I'm gonna post some of myself real soon... maybe over on HTA... not in a bikini though, at least not yet, but I just may be bikini ready by the time we go to Punta Cana.

Biz - I wish I knew how that happened cus I would make it happen every day! RE Truvia... you tried TOFU again! Of course you can give Truvia a try! LOL

Dawn - Thank you so much. It does feel good to see it so close. I've actually been closer than this before, but this time feels much different.

Angel - 1 lb days are hard for me to come by this late into P2 so I get so excited when I see them. Inspiration... that is why we're all here for each other. I get just as much inspiration from you as you probably get from me so just keep going. I can't wait to see you reach your goal.


BizBuzz said...

Ok, two words, SLAP HIM - I am so over him, seriously. HA!

Way to go you two, so glad your in a good place. I am in a good place as well, just not eating meat this time and actually really loving it!