Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Friday, March 28, 2008

R1P4D6 - Another loss... WOO HOO!

LIW 2/26/08 161.7
Today: 168.5

Things were really good yesterday. I pretty much ate what I wanted to, but I actually wanted apples and strawberries. WHAT?! yup...that's what I was craving. whoda thunk? I did an hour of aerobics and weight training with the FIRM in the morning & I had my oatmeal for breakfast and my strawberries midmorning. Then I had a chicken penne lean cuisine for lunch with an apple and some macadamia nuts. There was a birthday party at work yesterday and I had a REALLY small piece of cake. They had a bowl of pineapple too, so I had a few pieces of that as well. Dinner was a roasted chicken sandwich on whole wheat before my 2 hour workout last night. Calories added up to 2348 yesterday with 48% fat, 36% carbs & 16% protein.
I just got some bad news a few mintues ago. One of my uncles had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer & just passed away about 10 mintues ago after being in a coma since tuesday. I need to travel to NJ to see my family for a few days. I'll probably still be posting because I'll have my laptop with me, but they may be short for a while.


Becca said...

Oh Monica, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. I have lost 3 close family members to pancreatic cancer. It is a viscious, horrible disease. Though I know it is small comfort, lease give my sympathy to your whole family.

maryg911 said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle!! Please don't take this the wrong way, but at least he won't be suffering. My sympathies to you and your family as well.

You sure ate good girl, good for you, and you had a loss, awesome!!

Luv ya, take care!!

beachbrights said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle's passing. Take care of yourself and your family. I'll be checking in with you.


BizBuzz said...

Oh Monica, I am so sorry to hear of this sad event. Please let us know the moment you know something. My thoughts are with you and your family!

smacmo said...

Monica, I am so sorry. Cancer is such a terrible disease!