Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Thursday, March 13, 2008

R1P3D14 - Eggggggggcelent!!!

LIW 2/26/08 161.7
Day 1 - 161.7 At LIW
Day 2 - 163.8 2.1 OVER
Day 3 - 162.7 1 OVER
Day 4 - 165.1 3.4 OVER (Steak day)
Day 5 - 163.6 1.9 OVER (Started daily workouts)
Day 6 - 165.7 4 OVER (felt like water retention, ate light)
Day 7 - 166.4 4.7 OVER (Egg day)
Day 8 - 164.7 3 OVER (Partial Egg day)
Day 9 - 164.5 2.8 OVER
Day 10 - 165.6 3.9 OVER
Day 11 - 167.0 5.3 OVER
Day 12 - 166.3 4.6 OVER
Day 13 - 167.5 5.8 OVER (Egg day)
Day 14 - 166.4 4.7 OVER (Egg day)

Alright now! Here we go... let's keep it movin in that direction!
I just finished my workout for the day & I gotta keep it short, but here's what I ate yesterday.

I mostly had eggs yesterday.
B: small protein shake, scrambled eggs (3)
L: egg salad (5)
Snacks: 6 oz pork rinds, handful of macadamia nuts, grapes
D: scrambled eggs with cheese & strawberries with splenda whipped cream

Didn't get to make my shrimp egg foo yung last night because i got home too late, but I'm going to try it tonight.

Mary - He hasn't started yet. He's still on antibiotics. He has at least another week of pills left.

Ed & Jenn - Hey jenn.... I owe you an email. I'll send you one today when I get to work. CALM!? HA... I'm hangin in there. No use getting all bugged out over it. I don't feel out of control. I still feel like I have a handle on things. As long as I don't get over 170, I'll remain calm... after that... it's panic city!

becca - I had a great egg day yesterday. On to another one today. I added some other proteins in yesterday as well... It seemed to work out. The workouts are a huge help! Great way to relieve the stress of seeing a gain!

Have a great day peeps! Gotta get ready for work.


maryg911 said...

Yes, that IS eggggscelent!! I see you tried the macadamian trick!!

Good for you and I hope DH gets better after this course of antibiotics!!

Ed & Jennifer said...

See you are getting it handled sista!!! You and me, we are having the same P3, so glad to have my bud that's over LIW with me!

We'll get it...and you don't even need to worry about it because you have another P2 that will put you lower than you've ever been.

How many minutes do you usually work out? I’m so glad to hear that you felt great and not weak…I’m getting geared up!