Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Sunday, April 13, 2008

R1P4D22 - Doin Ok. just over worked

LIW 2/26/08 161.7
Today: 171.6

Here I am. I know I've been away for a while. Almost 2 weeks. WOW! I may have mentioned before that I'm a programmer. Well work has been a BEAST lately and the last thing I wanted to do was turn on my computer when I got home. That... and I was still mourning my uncle's death and didn't want all that to come across in my blog anymore. It just brought back alot of the feelings I had when my dad passed away and I was not in a good place. I'm feeling much better now though & I've really missed my blogging community.

I've got about a week left of P4 and I'll be back on P2. I can't wait! I've been holding steady at 170-171 for the last week & I feel very comfortable. I'm eating well with mostly fresh foods. I have been eating alot of carbs though, even though I haven't been able to workout for about a week because I hurt my back on tuesday. I've been keeping ice on it, but it's still soar. I just twisted the wrong way during an unfamiliar move on one of my new DVDs. On top of that... TOM started today! Thank goodness I didn't gain anything from it though.

I'm really geared up for my next round. I'm hoping to get rid of this 10 pounds during my first week & then it's all gravy after that. I'm so happy that I can even THINK about releasing 10 lbs in a week. That's awesome. I love this protocol! Even though I'm almost 10 lbs over my LIW, my body feels different and I actually do feel like my metabolism has changed. I had pizza and chocolate cake in the same day once this week and didn't gain an ounce. I was floored! Most days I've been eating oatmeal or eggs for breakfastoatmeal or eggs for breakfast, apples or strawberries for snacks, big salads with chicken or shrimp at lunch, and I normally have a meat and half a plate of veggies for dinner. When I want chocolate, I eat it. I haven't been depriving myself of anything that I really want & I just balance it out with eating right for the rest of the day. I can get used to this :)

Ed & Jenn, Shelly, Becca - Thanks guys. I'm hoping to getting back to working out by next week & I'm going to continue to do light workouts on my P2 like KT suggests. Jenn... those weights sound really cool. You're always finding interesting stuff like that. Take care guys.


maryg911 said...

Sorry to hear about your back but I'm glad you're feeling better!!! Try and keep us posted when you restart P2!!

Hey, what new DVD are you talking about?

Love ya, take care!!

Crystal Lee said...

Hey hon I am back too! Sorry to hear about your loss hon. It looks like you and I are starting on P2 at the same time. My load injections are scheduled for Friday and Sat. of this week. I start VLCD on Monday.
Missed you hon!

BizBuzz said...

Hey girl, I finally gave in and went with the weight of my maintaining while in Cali - that was 8 lbs above and I am pretending that is LIW now! ROFL

Good to see you are still around and still ok. Nothing but a thang remember? When are you starting again? Our so called load will be the first weekend of May!

Becca said...

Hey Monica, welcome back. It's great to see you posting again. I hope things will continue to get better for you. I had a rough start on my P2 but am doing better and getting into the groove now. Glad to see you'll be joining me soon.

smacmo said...

Monica, glad to see you back! Sorry that you have discombobulated your back though...just take it easy and it will all come together for you soon!

Becca said...

Hello, just want you to know we're checking in on you and hope you're doing well...

Anonymous said...

You should be starting P2 any day now, huh? A bunch of us are -- come back Monica!!!