Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monica's R4P3 Day 11 - Nakia's R3P4 Day 19

Monica - R4P3 Day 11
Yesterday: 152.2
Today: 154.1 +1.9
3.4 Above LIW (150.7)

Nakia - R3P4 Day 19
Yesterday: 221
Today: 221 0
4.9 Below LIW (225.9)

Well... I am definitely feeling better. My appetite is back and I don't have to be 5 feet away from a bathroom at all times. My weight sure went back up quickly too, but I'm sure it's due to my recovery and the fact that my doctor put me on a gator aide and liquid diet for 2 days. I get the low calorie gator aide, but it still contains sugar so I knew it would cause a gain.... so here I am doing an egg day today. I also had a vanilla protein shake with milk & almond butter after my 2 mile run this morning so I hope my egg day is successful. No more gator aid though. It did the trick and now I need to correct the problem it caused.

Nakia is doing awesome. He's slowly getting back to working out. He stopped a while back because he hurt his chest, but he's healing up now & is eager to get back to lifting weights. We've got 5 weeks until we go to Punta Cana on vacation & about 12 weeks until the HTA retreat. I am soooo excited about both! I'm not sure if Nakia will be able to make it to Vegas cus he might be going there with "the guys" the week before. We'll see...

Any-who... I started my running session at the gym on Monday and to my surprise the only other person in the group that had a faster mile time than me was an 18 year old & it was only by a minute! Hot Damn baby! I still got it at 36! ROFL! My time was 10:47 and I'd like to get that down to 8 minutes in the next 6 weeks. I hope that's a realistic goal. I did 5:30 minute miles when I was on the track team in high school 2 million years ago. I don't expect to do that again, but 8 minutes seems attainable for now. I'd also like to lower my body fat percentage... it's 29 right now... we'll see what it is at the end of 6 weeks. I'm sure it will be lower.

CB - Thanks for the comment about my skin. I get that from my mom. The women in my family don't have cellulite at any weight & I'm so very happy about that... and What?! flat stomach?! I don't think I've ever been accused of having a flat stomach... LOL. Thanks girl. That is actually where I see the biggest difference. I was never able to lose fat on my belly before hcg, but that's where it came from first. Gotta love it!

Blondie -Thanks so much! I can't workout in P2 either and I couldn't wait to get back to it. It's such a thrill and the results are worth all the time and effort.

Biz - Really? I look better? It means alot to hear that from you. Nakia's been saying that too & I believed him, but a 2nd opinion is always nice :) Now about his pictures... I talked to him about that and he has agreed to take some after shots although he refused to take before pictures. I'm going to put some together as soon as he actually takes them.

Mo2Lose - Thanks Mo! I am so excited about those pictures. I didn't really see the difference in the mirror, but I definately see it in the pictures. I'm glad I took them.

Gina - Girl... if you've got pictures that makes all the difference. Like I said, I didn't really see it in the mirror... I guess because I look at myself everyday, but it's unmistakable when you see the side by side comparison & with all that you've lost, there's got to be a big change. We are always looking at our "trouble spots" but step back and look at other things and we usually see subtle differences..... My first subtle difference was I could see my collar bones! And someone else had to point that out to me.


BizBuzz said...

Well I have some pics from the cruise so maybe we can compare the two?

WOOHOO - glad your feeling better, nasty bug.

Mo2Lose said...

What exactly is an "egg" day? Glad you are feeling better. Running will definetly burn a ton of calories and get you smaller in no time! I was thinking of doing a program I did a while ago that gets you ready for a 5K. You are smokin'!

Anonymous said...

Nice job on your run! I have running dreams sometimes and I wake up, lace up my shoes, head out the front door, and realize my mistake. I can't run!

Glad to hear you're feeling better, too.