Monica- R2P3
LIW: 158.2
Yesterday: 162.5
Today: 163.9 +1.4
Nakia - R1P3
LIW: 237.2
Yesterday: 237.7
Today: 237.6 -.1
I was attempting to have a high protein day yesterday, but it went off kilter a bit. With too many cashews, my calorie count was too high when I put my food into fitday.... so I'm on an egg day today. I had 3 eggs cooked in butter this morning, a 4 egg salad with mayo, mustard & sugar free relish to eat throughout the day, and I'll have 3 eggs for dinner. I'm hoping most of this weight comes off with that. I wore my skinny jeans today to make sure everything was still in place & they still fit... WOOO HOOO.
I'm so happy for Nakia though... he's sailing right through this P3. An interesting thing to note is that he only deviated once while on P2 and he couldn't even keep that down because it made him sick so it really doesn't count, but I deviated more than I did on my first P2.... interesting fact. We're going to start P2 again in September, so we're done before we go on the HCG cruise. I was going to start in July, but our summer is too full of events for me to do that safely, so I really need to lose this extra 5 lbs and get closer to my LIW. I just looked at the stats of my first P2 and it was right around this time(about 2 weeks in) that I started to gain steadily so now is the time to nip this in the bud so
I have banished all nuts from my house!
I do ok when I separate them into servings immediately, but the loose ones get me every time!
Thank you to everyone that stops by. I appreciate all of you so much, whether you post or not!
7 years ago
Damn nuts will get ya every time-LOL!
Girl, don't worry about your LIW-you know your body so well now and you know what to do to get back down. WE both have learned that the key is stay on top of it and just don't let it get up any higher than this. Remember when I got back from Mexico I was like 12 lbs over and by just focusing on the proteins I was back down in 7 days-amazing! Nakia is doing so good-his hypo really did reset-YOU GO BOY!
Hope ya'll have a great weekend-is it time for the cruise yet? LOL
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