Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monica's R4P2 Day 34 - Nakia's R3P3 Day 17

Monica - R4P2 Day 34
R4 Starting weight: 170.6
Yesterday: 153.9
Today: 154.4 +.5
R4 Total -16.2 9.5%

Nakia - R3P3 Day 17
LIW 3/17/2009: 225.9 8.7%
Yesterday: 218.4
Today: 219.2 +.8
6.7 Below LIW

Yesterday's menu (Monica)
S: strawberries with truvia
L: shrimp & cod ceviche with salsa & sliced tomatoes
S: spring mix with orange vinaigrette & canned mandarin oranges with splenda
D: shrimp & cod ceviche with salsa, spring mix with orange vinaigrette & canned mandarin oranges with splenda
S: 2 chocolate almond meringues
Lots of tea with truvia & water

Yesterday's menu (Nakia)
Fitday menu
water & 4C Totally Lite 2 Go

TOM is always coming around and wreckin house! I surely did NOT want to see a gain today, but there it is.... and there's also the bloating and cramps that come along with it. Oh well, such is a woman's life. So, as you see, yesterday was another raw day, except for the meringues (oops)... I just figured I might as well use some of that ceviche that I made. Since it mixes cod and shrimp, I thought it was a good idea to eat the rest of my food raw as well. I'm sure I would have had a loss today if TOM hadn't showed up. I'm back to cooked food today though. I like the idea of alternating.

Mary - Depending on tomorrow's results, I might just do another egg day tomorrow. It'll be a little harder trying to do that at work. I would have to scramble my eggs in the microwave or hard boil them, but I guess that's not so bad. Thanks for checkin on me.

Biz - Wasn't it? The consumtion of meat and sugar seems to coincide with the obesity doesn't it. Not surprising one bit. Makes you think though.
Yes, I figured I needed to make a plan this time cus winging it doesn't seem to work for me.


maryg911 said...

TOM is so evil!!! Hang in there girl. Your menu sounds delish, I'm not a big fan of ceviche but it sounds P2 friendly.

I know about hard boiled eggs, but they are handy to take to work, scrambled eggs will reheat in the micro, but I'm not too crazy about the whole reheating deal but I have done it and its not bad.

Let us know what you decide, luv ya!!

Amie said...

I'm waiting on ol' Mr. TOM right now. I haven't lost much the past couple of days (0.5 lb. total) and I have a sneaking suspicion he's to blame.

MEN. X( lol

Keeping your body guessing by alternating raw/cooked is probably another great way to keep your metabolism high :)

Aleisha Black said...

Thank you so much for your comment again!! I love it. I didn't even think about needing carbs. I felt so week and shaky till about lunch time and then I was fine. Weird. I love all these suggestions because I'd really like to start building muscle. Yeah!

BizBuzz said...

TOM sucks - sorry about that woman, maybe TOM was the reason you had all those cravings last week and it wasn't the RAW at all?