Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monica's R4P4 Day 4 - Nakia's R3P4 Day 32

Monica - R4P4 Day 4
5/8 153.2 -2.5
5/9 154.5 +1.3
Yesterday: 156.4 +1.9
Today: 160.3 +3.9
9.6 Above LIW (150.7)

Nakia - R3P4 Day 32
Yesterday: 223.6
Today: 223 -.6
2.9 Below LIW (225.9)

What a weekend I had! Ok.... I don't really comprehend what's going on with my weight, but I'm attempting to correct it over the next 3 days. My high fat day on Thursday was very successful and I lost 3.1 lbs. I did not continue high fat because lunch was brought in for my team on Friday and I ate a salad which screwed up my high fat day. I figured that wasn't so bad. On Saturday I had a .5 gain, but that wasn't a big deal because I figured I would lose it because of the 7 mile run I was planning to do on Saturday night.

All day Saturday I prepared for this Full Moon Run that I found on (cool site by the way). The run was to start at 9 pm during the full moon and we all would be running with glo sticks. I didn't eat a lot of calories, but I added some carbs in so I had enough energy during the run. I figured, what the hell... I'm in P4 and I'll be running tonight. I had 3 scrambled eggs with sausage and cheese for breakfast... which I couldn't even finish. Then I had a banana mid morning. Nakia and I went to the movies & I ate a medium bag of popcorn with a small amount of butter topping...the machine wasn't working well and I only got a few drops... I took that as a sign.... no other lunch. Dinner was 1/2 cup of white rice, a pork chop & a small salad. I also drank plenty of water all day. All that came to 1800 calories.

I Then proceeded to run 7 miles, only walking about a quarter mile of that distance. It took me an hour and 18 minutes... Not bad for the old girl huh? Mostly I kept running cus it was nearly pitch black, I only had a damn glo stick, and I was too scared to walk! Ok.... so after the run they had snacks & boy did I have the munchies.... I ate 3 strawberries, 2 chocolate chip cookies, a sugar cookie and some cheese crackers... not the best at 10:30 at night I know, but did that warrant a 3.5 lb gain the next day?! I don't think so! Well... I was pretty pissed off at the scale yesterday & extremely tired so I decided to give myself a day of no dieting what-so-ever... hence... another huge assed gain today... bringing me to 9.5 lb over my LIW. Okay, my rant is over now.

I asked nakia if he saw any change in the way I look. He is a brutally honest type of guy (isn't he biz? LOL) so I know I can count on him to give me the truth.... He says that my legs and arms are way more toned than they were right after P2 & that I may have gained some fat around my midsection, but not more than 2 lbs or so.

Water weight? Muscle gain? Maybe, but that can't be all of it. Unfortunately I've been here before. I will be correcting this for at least the rest of this week. Since high fat worked so well for that one day, I'm doing that again, but I'm starting with an egg day today because I didn't have much HF food in the house. I'll be going shopping tonight.

Nakia is going to do some correction days too even though he's still below his LIW because he's gained 5 lbs in the last week. I think he's decided on an egg day for tomorrow so he can eat during the day & still do his workout. He's wants to get back to 218. We both agree that is where he stabilized.

Mo2Lose - You're welcomed. I wasn't exactly flabby after P2, but the fat on my body seems to loosen up when I'm on P2 so I just seem to feel a little squishier if that makes sense. I am a pretty muscular girl regularly & I build muscle very easily so I am trying to tone up right now. That part is working very well. I can see a lot of definition in my legs and arms now from the weight training and running & I'm very happy with that.

Biz - Well, my clothes are still fitting fine which is blowing my mind with almost a 10 lb gain. I'm trying not to let this get out of control. Luckily I have some tricks other than a steak day to fall back on, thanks to you :)

CB - I remember your struggles. I've been reading your blog for a long time! :) I actually did consider that little trick you tried last time with the 2 days of shots. It's still in the back of my mind, but I'll make that my last resort. I think a change in diet is in order and that is what I'm gonna do this week. Thanks so much for the Uuugh! That sums up how I'm feeling right now!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Monica, and thanks for being so honest. Just keep working out the tough stuff and make the choices you need make to reach your goals. I'm rooting for you!