Monica's Ticker

Nakia's Ticker

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monica's R4P4 Day 5 - Nakia's R3P4 Day 33

Monica - R4P4 Day 5
Yesterday: 160.3
Today: 157.8 -2.5
7.1 Above LIW (150.7)

Nakia - R3P4 Day 33
Yesterday: 223
Today: 222.3 -.7
3.6 Below LIW (225.9)

My egg day yesterday was a success & I'm headed back in the right direction. What's strange is that I tried on a pair of pants that I bought before I went over my LIW and they are looser. The reason I know they are looser is because I can pull them off without unbuttoning them and I couldn't do that on the day after I bought them. I wish I had taken my measurements at the end of my round because then I would have something to compare to, but I'm sure I have lost inches since ending my round even though I've gained weight.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror this morning right before I got in the shower and I was surprised at what I saw. I actually have a WAIST! And I wasn't even holding my stomach in! I truly believe that my workouts are paying off. I'm still going to try to lose this extra 5 lbs by doing a series of correction days this week, but I'm not going to sweat the gain as I have in the past because I know I'm healthier & in the big scheme of things, 5 lbs ain't that bad.... hopefully the gap between my LIW and my current weight will be smaller tomorrow though since I did another correction day today.... We'll see.

The tricky thing is doing correction days and working out too. I don't want to pass out or anything. I still eat something small within my chosen menu about a half hour before my workout, whether it be eggs, protein shake or even a high fat snack. I know I need to fuel my body or the workout will be harder and less effective.

Gina - Thanks... it's difficult right now, but I'm trying to see the silver lining. I also want to show other people that it's possible to pull yourself out of a rutt. Correction days do work if you commit yourself to doing them.

Biz - Yeah.... it's been a minute, but I needed to get back to blogging to keep myself accountable. Thanks for popping in. I did see the Tour announcement, but those cities are nowhere near me and I've got too many travel plans coming up to make another trip so soon. I wish you were visiting nearby, but I'll catch you next time... plus I'll see you in vegas anyway.


BizBuzz said...

Sorry you got the announcement. I had given that assignment to one of my kids but I neglected to tell them not to touch some of my favorites, sorry about that.

I am sure the workouts are working, and being 5 lbs over liw with workouts? Well that is nothing short of miraculous. Don't be hooked into a number on the scale. Measurements are so much more important.

Hey speaking of measurements (giggle) did you see our new product available? I am so stinking excited about it!

Easy Touch Tape Measure

Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense that your workouts would cause water & muscle weight gain while you continue to shrink. It's funny, I shrunk during my last stall and I wonder if it also doesn't just take a while for the skin to catch up, too. You're doing great!